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If you're feeling a stressed or fatigued by our upcoming election - maybe, like me, you have candidates texting you round the clock - it's almost over! Whatever your politics may be, the Hinsdale Public Library offers a variety of ways we can all celebrate our country's storied past. Two events this November offer the perfect opportunity to do just that. Local author (and library trustee) Richard Munson will be at the library on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. to celebrate the lau...
Though it hasn't quite felt like fall for most of the month, Tuesday's foggy morning - straight out of a Dracula story - set the tone perfectly for the spooky season that's upon us. As I walked up the hill to the library, even the beautiful homes of Hinsdale seemed ominous, eerie - dare I say, haunted. And that's a good thing! For me, at least. As my house hunt enters year three, I am starting to consider broadening my search to include even the most uninhabitably frightening...
With this week's glorious weather, I think it is fair to say summer has arrived. To some, that means trips to the beach or the lake, baseball games and barbecues, maybe even summer hours at the office. For librarians, summer has some less relaxing connotations: Summer reading season will soon be here. Parents will prod their kids to keep their mind sharp over summer vacation. Wayward former readers will wander back, seeking recommendations as they cautiously dip their toe in...
I am heading to Oak Brook's Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art this weekend to see, among other things, a cinnabar screen encrusted with carved gemstones. The screen was a birthday present to the Chinese emperor Qianlong in 1791, and since my own birthday is fast approaching, it seemed like a good time to research gift ideas. Right now, I just can't decide between asking my wife for a gem-encrusted cinnabar screen or just a night off from doing the dishes. To free up some money...
Now that I have polished off the last of my Girl Scout cookies, paczki and Valentine's chocolates, it is time to lace up my gym shoes and burn off the extra layer that has been keeping me warm this winter. The weather is getting better, the sun is setting later and the half marathon I foolishly signed up for is suddenly just around the corner. As lazy as I can be over the winter, I genuinely miss being outside and moving around. In addition to training for my race, I'll be...
With Halloween around the corner and plenty of dark, spooky nights ahead of us this fall, horror is obviously the genre on everyone's mind at Hinsdale Public Library. Our librarians have pulled together book recommendations for readers of all ages - you can dig into their lists at, but I'll highlight a few here. For our youngest readers, you can't go wrong with "Bruce and the Legend of Soggy Hollow" by Ryan Higgins, a delightful picture book in which...
As kids, we learn to associate fall with changes. We change our routine, meet new classmates and learn new things about the world. That tradition doesn't need to end when we graduate (or, for those of us still in school, after that last bell rings). This year, your library is embracing the spirit of change that autumn brings with new opportunities to meet your neighbors and new twists on classic offerings. Everyone should set aside time this fall to make new friends before...