Articles written by Katie Hughes

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Georgia still on my mind

    Katie Hughes|Updated May 1, 2024

    Six years ago, I started writing for The Hinsdalean. It was the first time I had ever written anything that wasn't for a grade. It was the first time one of my stories got published. I remember my first article was about how my older sister, Anna, was going away to college - to a school called the University of Georgia. Two years later, I joined her, leaving my comfortable life in Hinsdale to study journalism at UGA. I didn't know much about journalism, only that it was a...

  • Laken Riley is running on empty

    Katie Hughes|Updated Mar 15, 2024

    The beginning of the run is the hardest part. It takes time for your body to warm up, settle into a new rhythm and get used to the higher level of oxygen. People don't think that, though. They think that the longer you go, the harder it gets and the more tired you are. But that's not the case. I have been a runner for as long as I can remember. As a former athlete, running has always been a part of me. I've had the same 3-mile running route through Hinsdale since the seventh...

  • What the tide could bring

    Katie Hughes|Updated Jan 24, 2024

    My dad and I do not look one bit alike, but I did get one distinguishable trait from him: his love for movies. My own admiration began when I was a kid, when he would take my brother and me to see the big new movie. I loved the hours spent in the cold, dark theater, but my favorite part of these outings began when the movie ended. My dad would take us out to eat (Chipotle, California Pizza Kitchen, Portillo's) to review and discuss the movie - what our favorite scenes were,...

  • Do they know it's Christmas?

    Katie Hughes|Updated Dec 6, 2023

    There's a quote from one of my favorite TV shows, "One Tree Hill," that has stuck with me from the moment I first heard it: "Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes, all you need is one." I think this quote rings true always, but especially in the world we live in today - and especially during the holiday season. For what has been branded as "the most wonderful time of the year" is often anything but for those who struggle with mental illness. A...

  • Losing the Disney dream

    Katie Hughes|Updated Oct 18, 2023

    Years ago, my dad wrote an article in this paper about the Disney princesses, the important role that they play in the lives of young and impressionable girls, and the criticism they received from some feminists. He looked to 10-year-old me to show the power of the classic Disney movies and the positive impact the princesses have on young girls. Now, the little girl from the article who played with dolls is all grown up - and I've formed opinions of my own. Cast as the title c...

  • Places you'll go will stay with you

    Katie Hughes|Updated Sep 6, 2023

    The last time I wrote an article for the paper, I was headed off to study travel writing in Prague, Czech Republic. Two months later, I can confidently say that my time abroad was life changing. While I was in Prague, I experienced gratitude and excitement for life like never before. I formed connections with the other students on the program, and we all went from strangers to friends in no time at all. I made memories that will live in my mind forever- swimming in a pond at...

  • Summer school is in session

    Katie Hughes|Updated Jun 7, 2023

    Another school year has come to an end, and another summer has begun. Every single summer I’ve spent in Hinsdale has felt like a variation of the same thing over and over again — a cup of coffee and reading on the porch in the mornings, long walks around town in the summer heat, working at night, hanging out with friends and the occasional vacation. Every single summer has been wonderful in its own way. But this summer, I’m looking for something different. Luckily, diffe...

  • 'Social' media an inaccurate label

    Katie Hughes|Updated Apr 12, 2023

    Every year for Lent, I try to challenge myself by giving up something that has too much of a hold on my life. This year, that was Tik-Tok. I anticipated that it would be difficult - that's why I gave it up - and that I would feel out of the loop on trends, new music and other people's lives. What I didn't expect was to not miss it at all. And after going over 40 days without Tik-Tok, I've happily decided not to re-download it. Although I have always preached my disdain for...

  • Age doesn't always bring answers

    Katie Hughes|Updated Feb 15, 2023

    I used to think that when I got older, I would have more answers - to who I am, who I want to be, and just to life in general. Well, now that I am older, I can see that sentiment isn't entirely true. When I was a kid, I always knew what I wanted to do. I loved to read and I loved to write, so it made sense that I would go to school for journalism and study to become the best writer I could be. I was always told that writing was my talent, and I knew that you're supposed to...

  • Big Apple visit a holiday treat

    Katie Hughes|Updated Dec 21, 2022

    Christmas is the most magical time of year - a time for family, friends, joy and many blessings. For as long as I can remember, I have spent my Christmases in Hinsdale with my family, celebrating the special meaning of the holiday season. However, this Christmas season began with something different. I got to travel to New York City with my best friend, Sydney. One thing I have wanted to do for the longest time is experience New York City at Christmastime. I have also always...

  • Halloween not so scary in Hinsdale

    Katie Hughes|Updated Oct 26, 2022

    As a kid, Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. I loved the start of fall, the weather getting cooler and the leaves changing colors, as well as the spookiness of the season. But even more than that, I loved how Halloween made October feel so special. In the midst of a busy reality - with tests, homework and extracurriculars - the world just seemed more like a fantasy whenever the holiday came around. And Hinsdale always did the best job of making Halloween feel special....

  • The center of the (football) world

    Katie Hughes|Updated Jul 20, 2022

    Three years ago, I was looking to attend a college that felt like a step into the real world. I wanted to go to a place far from home. I wanted to meet new people who came from backgrounds different from mine. And I wanted an environment where people were filled with love and pride for their school and community. Attending the University of Georgia brought me everything I had been looking for - and then some. Going into my freshman year, I knew very few things about the place...

  • Embracing a new chapter

    Katie Hughes|Updated Jul 28, 2021

    When I last wrote an article for the paper, I had just finished my senior year of high school and was getting ready to begin a new chapter of my life at the University of Georgia. My first year at school was filled with new friendships, lots of school work, fun nights out, a new sorority and many memories. Despite some COVID-19 setbacks, such as online classes and limited events, I am grateful to say that I was able to have a much more normal year than many other students....

  • Sweet Georgia on my mind

    Katie Hughes|Updated May 20, 2020

    We moved to Hinsdale when I was 3 years old. I never could have guessed just how great this town would be, and I never could have imagined that the day I'd have to leave would come so quickly. Although I have always loved Hinsdale, it is the daunting task of saying goodbye that has made me realize just how special and important this town really is to me. As a kid, Hinsdale was swinging on the tire swing with friends and playing "cherry cherry" at Robbins Park. It was block...

  • Lessons learned from 'My Corona'

    Katie Hughes|Updated Apr 1, 2020

    Three weeks ago, I had it all. I was the lead in my school musical, "Footloose," I was going to Disney World, and I was anticipating the excitement that comes with the end of senior year. Then everything I was so certain about, everything that had been keeping me motivated for the past few months, was turned upside down. Disney World closed, canceling the trip I had looked forward to for months. School was out for two weeks, and school activities were closed for more than a...

  • Movie magic not limited to LA

    Katie Hughes|Updated Feb 15, 2020

    Some moments in life feel like they are straight out of a movie: your first day of high school, summer nights with your best friends or driving around in the car with the windows down. These are moments when you feel extremely blessed and grateful for the life you have. For me, where I work is one of these special gems. When I decided I wanted to get a summer job, I knew exactly where I wanted to work and what I wanted to do. I wanted to work at a place where I could interact...

  • A not so silent night

    Katie Hughes|Updated Dec 23, 2019

    Every Christmas for the past 14 years, I've sat in a wooden pew at St. Isaac Jogues Church. I've looked around at the evergreen Christmas trees, admired the poinsettias covering the altar and enjoyed generations of celebrating families. But the manger scene has always been my favorite part of Christmas Mass. And why not? It represents all that matters: Christ's birth, the salvation of humanity, the hope of eternal happiness. As a kid, I never doubted the message of Jesus: in l...

  • Discovering I had the write stuff

    Katie Hughes|Updated Nov 7, 2019

    Do you remember where you were when you discovered who you could be? I do. I was at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Well, at least in my imagination. My favorite television character, Rory Gilmore, once said, "I live in two worlds: reality and books." I've related to that sentiment my whole life. As a kid, reading was my favorite activity, my preferred way to pass time. Books spoke to me on levels that no person could. I read in school, in between classes, on car...

  • Moving on can be scary, until it's not

    Katie Hughes|Updated Sep 20, 2019

    Sometimes in life you just have to move on. For me, this time, it happened suddenly. In fact, if you had asked me just a month ago if I was excited to go to college, I'd have said something like, "No, it's still only summer. I have all of senior year left. I just am not ready." The idea of college is a scary thing to a 17-year-old girl whose heart is still set on being a 17-year-old girl and whose mind has told her she still has lots of time to be one. But recently it feels...