(235) stories found containing 'Hinsdale Elementary District 181'

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  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Dec 23, 2019

    The Hinsdale Village Board, Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 Board and Hinsdale High School District 86 Board are not scheduled to meet the week of Dec. 30-Jan. 3....

  • Meeting roundup

    Updated Dec 18, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 Among other business Monday, board members: • approved a 2019 property tax levy of $64.4 million. The amount represents a 2.98 percent increase over the 2018 tax extension, but the vote came with the understanding that the board will implement an abatement plan for up to $780,000 by the end of February to reduce the burden on taxpayers. The deadline for districts to file a 2019 tax levy is Dec. 31. • heard a report on the piloting of the Actively Learn digital curriculum pla...

  • Dist. 181 acts to heal its nursing dilemma

    Ken Knutson|Updated Dec 18, 2019

    In an effort to reduce nurse staffing shortfalls at its schools. Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 Board members Monday voted to both raise the daily rate it pays substitute nurses as well as cover tuition for its district-level registered nurse to get certified school nurse (CSN) certification. On six occasions so far this school year, schools have been unable to find substitute nurses when their full-time RNs are absent. That means the district-level nursing staff has to step in, preventing them from doing...

  • D86 audience members' comments cut short

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Dec 18, 2019

    A group of Hinsdale High School District 86 residents said their Constitutional rights were violated when they were not allowed to speak during the district’s board meeting Dec. 12. The controversy arose during audience communication when Meeta Patel, a Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 board member, started to read a letter sent to the full board by Hinsdale resident Dan Levinthal that referenced Carol Baker, the district’s assistant superintendent for academics. Board President Nancy Pollak interrupted Patel at...

  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Dec 11, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary Dist. 181 Board 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 16 District office 115 W. 55th St., Clarendon Hills On the draft agenda: public hearing and approval of 2019 tax levy, nurse staffing proposal, LEAP and D181 Foundation presentations, Actively Learn middle school pilot, Math/ELA/ACE placement and math trajectory, school report card Hinsdale High School District 86 Board 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12 Hinsdale South High School 7401 Clarendon Hills Road, Darien On the draft agenda: Adopt 2019 levy, strategic plan...

  • Understanding property tax cycle in Illinois

    Updated Dec 4, 2019

    The property tax is largest single tax in Illinois and is the major source of revenue for Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 and Hinsdale High School District 86. It also is a significant source of funding for the village of Hinsdale, along with the Hinsdale Public Library, although the village has several other sources of revenue to support operations. Taxing bodies are required each year to file a levy, or request for property tax revenue. Setting the levy actually is the fourth of six steps in the property tax...

  • School boards, village ready 2019 levies

    Ken Knutson and Pamela Lannom|Updated Dec 4, 2019

    The Hinsdale High School District 86 Board is poised to pass a $85.3 million property tax levy at its Dec. 12 board meeting. Josh Stephenson, the district’s chief financial officer, presented the proposed 2019 levy at the Nov. 14 meeting, and board members approved it Nov. 25. “We are not required to have a Truth in Taxation hearing,” Stephenson noted, since the amount does not exceed 105 percent of the 2018 property tax extension. “Year over year, we’re looking at a 2.8 percent increase.” Board member Marty Turek asked...

  • Next week

    Updated Nov 20, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 Among other business Monday, board members: • had a preliminary discussion about the estimated 2019 property tax levy of $64.4 million, an increase of almost 3 percent over the 2018 levy. Although the district is not required to do so, the board will hold a public hearing on the levy before approving it at the Dec. 16 board meeting. • listened to owners rep Kerry Leonard provide an update on the Hinsdale Middle School construction project. About 99 percent of the budget has bee...

  • D181, teachers sign new four-year deal

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Nov 20, 2019

    Teachers in Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 have a new four-year contract that raises salaries an average of 2.55 percent over the four years. The District 181 Board approved the contract unanimously Monday night, with the Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Teachers Association ratifying it Nov. 1. The previous three-year contract expired in June, and negotiating teams began meeting months before that. “It’s been a year,” school board President Bill Merchantz said. “It’s been a long and winding road, and I think the resu...

  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Nov 13, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary Dist. 181 Board 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18 District office 115 W. 55th St., Clarendon Hills On the draft agenda: HCHTA contract approval, 2019 estimated property tax levy, LEAP presentation, school improvement plans, audit presentation, HMS update and action items, administration center recommendations Hinsdale Public Library Board 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19 Hinsdale Public Library 20 E. Maple St. On the draft agenda: 2020 budget, 2020 levy request, accept audit, policy revisions, per capita grant...

  • FOP contract OK'd, teachers reach deal

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Nov 6, 2019

    The Hinsdale Village Board unanimously approved a new contract with the Fraternal Order of Police Tuesday, the same day Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 and the Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Teachers Association announced they had reached a tentative agreement on a new four-year contract. Village staff and representatives of the Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council have been negotiating since the previous contract expired April 30, Trustee Jerry Hughes said. “It’s the definition of a successful outcome bec...

  • Dist. 181 report cards show progress overall

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 31, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 officials are pleased with the assessment of student learning reflected in this year’s Illinois Report Cards, with six of the district’s nine schools earning the top performance designation. The district as a whole had 77 percent of its students meet or exceed state standards in English language arts, up from 74 percent in 2018. In math, the meet-and-exceed percentage held steady at 72 percent year over year. And in science, which was not assessed last year for the report car...

  • More control equals less stress for kids

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Oct 30, 2019

    If parents want kids to be healthier, live longer and experience more success, they need to lower their stress levels by giving them more control of their lives. That's the opinion of Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson, authors of "The Self-Driven Child" and presenters at the Oct. 22 Community Speaker Series sponsored by Hinsdale High School District 86 and Community Consolidated Elementary District 181. "We knew that a low sense of control is probably the most stressful thing you...

  • Good news

    Updated Oct 23, 2019

    ROTARY RUN supports CHARITIES The 25th Annual Rotary Run Charity Classic Oct. 6 generated more than $90,000 to support local charities. More than 700 runners — including 185 runners from Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 — participated this year. The top two elementary schools were Oak School with 53 participants and Hinsdale Middle School with 38 participants. The traveling “Mrs. B Trophy” (named for Oak School P.E. teacher Marianne Biedrzycki) was awarded to Oak School. The “Mr. K Cup”, named after former Clar...

  • American Legion Post 250 in the spotlight

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Oct 23, 2019

    Charlie Hartley's motivation for joining American Legion Post 250 came from an unlikely place. He was attending a funeral service in Ohio. "The American Legion did such a great job for my son-in-law's dad," he said. "I came back and said I've got to join the legion." Hartley, who joined the post about six years ago, has been serving as its chaplain for the past three years. One of his duties is to reach out to the families of servicemen who have died. He checks the obituary...

  • Next mediation session on teacher contract in D181 set for Monday

    Updated Oct 23, 2019

    The Community Consoli-dated Elementary District 181 Board met Oct. 21 in closed session, with teacher contract negotiations as one of the agenda items. “The District 181 Board of Education and the Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Teachers’ Association, the association that represents our 361 teachers, met last Wednesday to continue dialogue on a new agreement,” board President Bill Merchantz read from a statement before entering closed session. “This was a positive and highly productive session, and both parties are committ...

  • HMS goes to school on new technology

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 23, 2019

    The lighting at the 10-month-old Hinsdale Middle School is state of the art — and controlled from out of state. “There’s a guy in Texas who’s controlling it. It’s pretty wild,” remarked Mike Duggan, director of facilities for Community Consolidated Elementary District 181. “He adjusts them so they go off at a certain time or get cut to 50 percent.” The LED lights are motion-sensored, so unoccupied rooms go dark. Oh, and they can detect sunlight, for more budget-saving b...

  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Oct 23, 2019

    The Hinsdale Village Board, Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 Board and Hinsdale High School District 86 Board are not scheduled to meet the week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 1....

  • D181 teachers working without a contract

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 16, 2019

    Teachers packed the Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 Board meeting Monday in a show of unity. Negotiations between the teachers union and the board continue more than three months after the last teachers contract expired. According to joint statement issued Wednesday, the two sides have met more than 17 times since late 2018 — including three sessions with an independent mediator from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service — to hammer out a deal to replace the three-year agreement that ended June 30....

  • Patricia Helen Ableidinger

    Updated Oct 9, 2019

    Patricia Helen Ableidinger, née Newman, 72, a 41-year resident of Hinsdale, passed away Oct. 2, 2019, in Raleigh, N.C., surrounded by her family. Pat was a graduate of DePaul University (computer science and psychology) and served 20 years as a technology coordinator and IT trainer for Community Consolidated Elementary District 181, retiring in 2005. She continued teaching after retirement, leading group and one-on-one trainings at the Apple Store in Orland Park. Friends and...

  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Oct 2, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary Dist. 181 Board 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7 District office 115 W. 55th St., Clarendon Hills On the draft agenda: FY21 capital projects, elementary math intervention, tentative 2020-21 school calendar, site-based funding, state of the district, HMS update Hinsdale High School District 86 Board 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10 Hinsdale Central High School 55th and Grant streets Hinsdale Parks and Recreation Commission 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8 Memorial Building 19 E. Chicago Ave. On the draft agenda: KLM...

  • Good news

    Updated Oct 2, 2019

    MADISON EARNS SECOND RIBBON Madison School in Hinsdale was recognized today by U.S. Department of Education as a 2019 National Blue Ribbon School. It is the second time the Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 school has been a recipient of the honor. It is the highest award given by the U.S. Department of Education. “I am so proud to call Madison home and constantly amazed and inspired by our students, staff and school community, Principal Kim Rutan said. “It is truly a team effort. The level of dedication tha...

  • Good news

    Updated Sep 25, 2019

    TOURNEY RAISES ALMOST $9,000 The Hinsdale Professional Firefighter’s Association raised almost $9,000 in its annual Big’s Bare Knuckle Softball Tournament Sept. 15 at Veeck Park in Hinsdale. The event was created to honor Hinsdale Deputy Fire Chief Mark Johnson, affectionately known as Big, who tragically lost his life in the line of duty while working at the Hinsdale Fire Department in September 2010. It was a great day for softball, as several fire departments fielded teams in the tournament, including Westmont, Wes...

  • Five inducted into Central Hall of Fame

    Updated Sep 25, 2019

    The Hinsdale Central High School Foundation has announced the names of five individuals who will be inducted into its Hall of Fame in conjunction with Homecoming week activities. The new members will be honored at a banquet at 6 tonight at Ruth Lake Country Club, 6200 Madison St., Hinsdale. This year's honorees include two medical professionals and three educators. Pam Bylsma During her 34 years in secondary school education, Pam Bylsma has served in the roles of teacher,...

  • Meeting roundup

    Updated Sep 18, 2019

    Community Consolidated Elementary Dist. 181 Board Among other business Monday, board members: • voted to amend the school calendar to move the March 6 teacher institute day to Feb. 28 to coordinate with professional development offered by the DuPage County Regional Office of Education. That means students will have school on March 6 and will be off Feb. 28. • learned sixth-day enrollment for the 2019-20 school year is 3,778, just one student higher than the sixth-day enrollment last year • listened to an update from facil...

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