(727) stories found containing 'The Community House'

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  • Illinois matches deadliest day with 125 new COVID-19 deaths

    Ben Orner, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 19, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD – Illinois matched its deadliest day of the COVID-19 pandemic on Saturday as the state Department of Public Health reported 125 deaths in the previous 24 hours, matching Thursday’s record. IDPH also reported 1,585 new cases of the disease, bringing Illinois’ total to 29,160 cases with 1,259 deaths. The novel coronavirus has been reported in 93 counties after Hamilton County in southern Illinois reported its first case on Saturday. More than 137,000 tests have been completed, including more than 7,000 in each...

  • Ask an expert - business profile - Hinsdale Wine Shop

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Apr 14, 2020

    Many Facebook pages are filled with inspirational messages or coronavirus jokes. Sean Chaudhry's reads like a promotional piece for Hinsdale businesses. Last week, he enjoyed burgers, nachos and banana bourbon pudding from Fuller House for dinner. The week before he encouraged friends to support Page's Restaurant when it opened for takeout the last weekend of March. He's thrown shout-outs to King Keyser's bike repair service, Cafe la Fortuna's coffee and The Salon by David &...

  • Wellness House walk goes virtual to raise funds

    Alexis Braden|Updated Apr 8, 2020

    In the midst of social distancing, one quarantine-approved activity has brought so many of us out of our homes — walking. For Wellness House, the influx of pedestrians taking to the streets signified an opportunity. Rather than cancel its annual fundraising walk, which traditionally draws more than 3,000 and raises vital funds for the organization’s free-of-charge cancer programming, this year’s walk will be virtual. The Virtual Walk for Wellness House will take place Sunda...

  • Good news

    Updated Apr 8, 2020

    DEPAUW SENIOR EARNS FELLOWSHIP Natalie Brunini of Hinsdale is one of five seniors at DePauw University who has received an Orr Fellowships. The fellowships place students after graduation in jobs in Indianapolis for two years. Brunini will work for DemandJump, a marketing company. She is earning a major in communication and minor in film studies. Fellows typically begin work in mid-June of their graduating year. Hannah Scifres, the public relations coordinator for the Gov. Bob Orr Indiana Entrepreneurial Fellowship, said...

  • Autism Month stresses unity despite differences

    Updated Apr 8, 2020

    Most of us have never appreciated the rich diversity of our society as much as we do now, eager for more scenery options after weeks holed up at home. The Autism Society of America this April also wants to Celebrate Differences, making it the theme of this year’s National Autism Awareness Month. “Designed to build a better awareness of the signs, symptoms and realities of autism, #CelebrateDifferences focuses on providing information and resources for communities to be more aware of autism, promote acceptance and be more inc...

  • In this together

    Updated Apr 8, 2020

    Setting the table - K.J., Gracie, Lilly, Hailey and Patrick Boyle set up a table in front of their house on South County Line Road with food and paper products available to anyone in need. They call it "The Community Table" and encourage people to take what they need, contribute what they can and spread the word to others. They also hope others will set up similar tables. You can follow them on Instagram @the.community.table. (Jim Slonoff photo)...

  • Pritzker asks residents to be 'All In' in helping state's coronavirus fight

    Rebecca Anzel, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 3, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker on Thursday announced a public service initiative to mobilize the state’s “strongest weapon” against the spread of novel coronavirus — Illinoisans. Pritzker said his administration has “nearly exhausted every avenue available” to mitigate COVID-19’s expansion. It instituted a stay-at-home order, banned dining in at restaurants and bars, limited public gatherings and shuttered schools. Now, the governor is asking Illinoisans not only to stay at home, but to celebrate it. “All In Illinois” is a...

  • New fund to support artists during shutdown

    Peter Hancock, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 2, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD – Gov. JB Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Wednesday the formation of a new relief fund to support artists and performers who have been temporarily put out of work by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Arts for Illinois Relief Fund will provide financial assistance in the form of grants to artists, artisans and cultural organizations that have been impacted by the virus. The fund is a partnership between the city of Chicago, the state of Illinois and several charitable foundations. Pritzker highlighted...

  • Volunteering looks a bit different this April

    Updated Apr 1, 2020

    “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” — John Wesley Is this ever a time to do good. Normally we would extol the virtues of altruism in this space the first week of April because it’s National Volunteer Month. But helping others is even more important as we face the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. In some ways, it’s also more difficult. The volunteers who were busy organizing spring and summer fu...

  • New money announced for COVID-19 fight

    Ben Orner, Capitol New Illinois|Updated Mar 27, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD – New federal and charitable funding will soon be available to Illinoisans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as the state on Thursday saw its largest one-day spike of new cases and deaths during the pandemic. President Donald Trump approved Illinois’ disaster declaration on Thursday, allowing the state to access emergency funding to expand health care services like increasing hospital and housing capacity and expanding telehealth services. In his 18th consecutive daily briefing on the pandemic, Gov. JB Pri...

  • Bored? Check out these options for fun

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Mar 25, 2020

    These days, it's all about social distancing. Thanks to the internet, the great outdoors and some super creative people, Hinsdaleans can find lots of fun things to do while also staying safe. Local organizations are busy coming up with creative ways to keep kids busy and keep parents happy. Here are a few. #HinsdaleatHome Fun With public parks scattered throughout the village, Hinsdale has plenty of places where families can get outside, get some exercise and have some fun....

  • Ask an expert - agent profile - Larysa Domino, broker, @ Properties

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Mar 25, 2020

    Larysa Domino's career as a real estate broker is a convergence of all the things she loves - people, her community, her family and finance. "It's been a great fit for me," said Domino, who entered the real estate world more than four years ago. She initially pursued a career in corporate finance before spending a few years as a stay-at-home mom. A Hinsdale native, Domino, like many, moved back to her hometown to raise a family. She loves the community for the same reasons...

  • New twist on 'Stuck in Hinsdale' for spring break

    Updated Mar 25, 2020

    Maybe you were planning to spend spring break soaking in the rays on a Florida beach, touring the historical sites of a favorite European city or relaxing in a remote mountain cabin. Instead, you’re here, stuck in Hinsdale. For years, we’ve run an annual feature headlined “Stuck in Hinsdale for spring break,” in which we talk to those unfortunate souls who aren’t traveling somewhere exotic. This year, that’s all of us. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy spring break. You just have to be a little more creative. Here...

  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Mar 25, 2020

    Hinsdale High School District 86 Board 6 p.m. Thursday, March 26 Hinsdale Central High School, 55th and Grant streets https://www.d86.hinsdale86.org On the agenda: construction bids, staffing for 2020-21 school year, agreement with The Community House for social work and therapy services, new instructional materials Note: Residents are encouraged to stay home and watch the livestream of the meeting at the website listed above. To submit public comment, fill out the Google Form at https://forms.gle/sSeKxUC1BD96tWcf8 by 6...

  • Liquor rules relaxed during lockdown

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Mar 25, 2020

    Interested in ordering a bottle of wine or six-pack of beer with your carryout order from a Hinsdale restaurant? You can, thanks to action Village President Tom Cauley took last week. The sale of beer and wine in original sealed containers will be allowed until April 17 or the expiration of Gov. JB Pritzker’s ban of on-site dining, whichever is sooner. The sale must be in conjunction with a food purchase. The move was prompted by a call that assistant village manager Brad Bloom received from a Hinsdale restaurant manager a...

  • Eggcetera

    Updated Mar 18, 2020

    Note: The following programs had not been canceled due to COVID-19 when this listing was finalized Tuesday. Bunny Breakfasts Breakfast with the Bunny April 10 Morton Arboretum 4100 Route 53, Lisle (630) 725-2066 https://www.mortonarb.org Enjoy a tasty springtime buffet and a visit from the Easter Bunny, who will pose for photos and pass out an Easter treat. Mimosas and bloody Marys are available for $6. Time: 9 to 11 a.m. Cost: $36 adults, $27 children ages 4-12, free for children 3 and younger. RR, MD Breakfast with the East...

  • Dealing with anxiety during a time of crisis

    Bob Agnoli|Updated Mar 18, 2020

    Not since 9/11 have we, as a nation, had to face a crisis like this; an event that each of us, regardless of age, race, income or where we live, are having to adjust to. Daily we are being exposed to news of schools and businesses closing, sports teams suspending their seasons and large-scale events being canceled in an effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. These are anxious times. By definition, anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease; typically about...

  • Eateries, entertainment venues hit hard

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Mar 18, 2020

    Disappointment and heartbreak. Those two words describe how many are feeling as entertainment venues are closed, restaurants are limited to carryout and performances and fundraisers are canceled due to COVID-19. The Hinsdale Auxiliary chapter of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago had planned to hold its annual fundraiser, Tablescapes, this Saturday. The board met last Friday and voted unanimously to postpone the event until Sunday, Sept. 20. That was a tough decision for...

  • Hinsdaleans coping with COVID-19

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Mar 18, 2020

    What a difference a week makes. Last week, Gov. J.B. Prtizker banned events with more than 1,000 attendees, canceled Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day parade and urged businesses to allow employees to work from home. The state had only 32 confirmed COVID-19 and no deaths. This week, the governor has closed schools, restaurants and bars. The number of cases in Illinois is approaching 300 and the state reported its first COVID-19 death. Hinsdaleans, like Americans across the cou...

  • Community House closed to voters Tuesday

    Updated Mar 16, 2020

    Those who planned to vote Tuesday, March 17, at The Community House in Hinsdale will be unable to do so. The location is one of 17 locations in DuPage County that have closed. Most are nursing homes or senior living facilities. Residents can participate in early voting until 8 p.m. today, March 16, at the DuPage County Clerk’s Election Division office, 421 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton. Or they can vote Tuesday at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, 2015 Manchester Road, Wheaton. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. DuPage C...

  • Annual Derby Day event supports children in need

    Alexis Braden|Updated Mar 11, 2020

    In 1883, a Presbyterian minister in a small town located more than 200 miles from Chicago decided to transform his sermons into a catalyst for change to help the thousands of neglected and orphaned children across the state. Through his monumental efforts, Chicago's Children's Home & Aid was born. Across Illinois, Children's Home & Aid provides resources annually to more than 40,000 children and youth – including access to education, counseling and basic necessities. Here l...

  • Carol Hall Gosselin

    Updated Mar 11, 2020

    Carol Hall Gosselin, nee Jessup, formerly of Hinsdale, died peacefully March 3, 2020, surrounded by family. She led a vigorous life and never forgot her roots. Carol was raised in West Lafayette, Ind. and graduated from Purdue University as a proud Kappa Alpha Theta. After graduation she was beckoned by Chicago, where she worked for Scott Forsman and met her future husband, Dick Hall. They lived in Oak Park and Western Springs and had two kids, Bob and Elizabeth. Dick received a promotion and the Hall family moved to Wayland,...

  • Make time to see the hilarious 'Hinsdopoly' this weekend

    Updated Mar 4, 2020

    If you have not yet seen “Hinsdolopy” at The Community House, then make time this weekend for some fun entertainment. I ended up smack in the front row because I was a late purchase on Saturday. The best part of being so close was that I had a new appreciation for all the costumes and set design. The crew literally made a Monopoly board come to life. Not only were they spot on to the actual game board, but they were extremely well done! After reading so many humble remarks about performing in the Stagebill, I could not hel...

  • Celebrate Women's History Month, Hinsdale-style

    Updated Mar 4, 2020

    “From the first settlers who came to our shores, from the first American Indian families who befriended them, men and women have worked together to build this nation. Too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contribution went unnoticed. But the achievements, leadership, courage, strength and love of the women who built American was as vital as that of the men whose name we know so well.” — President Jimmy Carter With those words, our nation’s 39th president designated March 2-8, 1980, as National Women’s History W...

  • Meeting roundup

    Updated Mar 4, 2020

    Hinsdale High School District 86 Board Among other business Feb. 26, board members: • approved a five-day unpaid suspension for Hinsdale South science teacher Lisa Fernandez. Board President Nancy Pollak read the following statement following a closed session on the matter: “We are aware of an incident at Hinsdale South involving a member of our staff, Lisa Fernandez, who exercised poor judgment by using a racial slur when trying to engage students in a discussion about Black History Month. We take these matters very ser...

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