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  • Ask an expert - Christopher George, Oncologist

    Ken Knutson|Updated Jan 23, 2020

    What questions do cancer patient ask? When Christopher George became an oncologist nearly two decades ago, the dialogue with his cancer patients concerning treatment were often one-sided. "People didn't question me very much," George said. That dynamic has changed, he stressed, and for the better. "I think patients are taking more ownership of their care," George said. "I like it to be kind of a partnership. I feel like patients are fact-checking you, and it's a good thing."...

  • Ask an expert - Andy Smith, Firefighter/Paramedic

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Jan 23, 2020

    How should families observe Fire Prevention Week? Masks, helmets and air tanks are just some of the firefighting equipment that will be on display during the Hinsdale Fire Department's annual Fire Prevention Week Open House Saturday, Oct. 12. Firefighter/paramedic Andy Smith, a 19-year veteran of the Hinsdale Fire Department, said the department works year-round to help prevent fires and to teach people what to do when a fire occurs. Fire Prevention Week is a chance to drive...

  • Ask an expert - Eric Owens, co-founder

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Nov 20, 2019

    How does Delos therapy relieve muscle pain? Muscle stiffness doesn't show up on conventional medical imaging, but the discomfort that it causes for millions of Americans is quite real, and relief can be hard to find. That was the experience of Kenny Owens, an athlete and electrical engineer who sought relief from hard, painful muscles. After exhausting all forms of conventional treatment, he discovered that direct pressure administered from multiple angles gave him relief. "He...

  • Ask an expert - Dr. Arati Reddy, endocrinologist

    Ken Knutson|Updated Nov 14, 2019

    What should we know about diabetes? November is National Diabetes Month, heightening awareness of a health condition faced by 30.3 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Such awareness is vital for those harboring the deadly disease - one in four sufferers don't even know they have it. Endocrinologist Arati Reddy with AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale said diabetes' asymptomatic development makes it especially dangerous. "People don't...

  • Ask an expert - Mark Zilis, hosta authority

    Ken Knutson|Updated Nov 14, 2019

    What's the story on hosta? Homeowners looking to brighten up a shady garden spot or set off their front walkway might want to stop by The Community House Sunday for the Northern Illinois Hosta Society's annual auction and plant sale (see Page 20 for details). Presiding over the 1:30 p.m. auction will be Mark Zilis, a leading expert on the plant as evidenced by his books, "The Hostapedia: An Encyclopedia of Hostas" and "Mark Zilis' Field Guide to Hostas." Zilis earned his maste...

  • Ask an expert - Chris Wilbur, Hinsdale Central social studies teacher

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Nov 6, 2019

    How did teaching become a passion? No one gets to college alone. Every student is supported along the way by some exceptional teachers - like the ones recognized each year with the University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award. Included in this year's class of honored educators is Chris Wilbur. Now in his 17th year at Hinsdale Central High School, Wilbur was nominated by former student Amani Mryan, now a first-year student at UC. In her nomination, Mryan spoke of Wilbur's...

  • Ask an expert - Bromleigh McCleneghan, pastor

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 30, 2019

    Should parents address tough topics with kids? Kids can be more astute at sussing out truth than adults give them credit for. But when discussing sensitive matters like gender identity, divorce or death, gliding past honest discussion can seem like the more prudent choice. In the essay collection, "When Kids Ask Hard Questions," co-editor Bromleigh McCleneghan, associate pastor for ministry with families at Union Church of Hinsdale, aims to help parents tackle these tough topi...

  • Agent profile - Beth Burtt, Baird & Warner

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Oct 23, 2019

    For three generations, Beth Burtt's family has called Hinsdale home. And for nearly four decades, Burtt has made a career of helping others to find their own home in the village. Burtt said it was her love for Hinsdale that sparked the start of her real estate career 38 years ago. The people have kept her here. "There are people I've helped find houses who I've become dear friends with," Burtt said. Once an owner of Brush Hill before the firm was purchased by her current firm,...

  • Ask an expert - Phyllis Kozlowski, art historian

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 23, 2019

    What can we learn from global art history? Phyllis Kozlowski had been enlightening art history students about the Byzantine-era marvel Hagia Sophia in Turkey for years before finally seeing the former cathedral with her own eyes as part of a tour she led. "It was absolutely gorgeous," she said. Kozlowski aims to convey the beauty and cultural significance of world art and design through a pair of Armchair Art History lectures at The Community House. Exploring the Art of Asia w...

  • Ask an expert - Kimberly Paul, end of life planning advocate

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 16, 2019

    How do we live like we're dying? "There's a lot more things scarier than death," remarked author, speaker and podcaster Kimberly Paul. Like suffering, for instance. Paul thinks people often conflate the two, so many avoid facing the truth that one's life will end. "We're all dying. How do we live with the knowledge that we are dying every day? Would that change the way that we live? If we can get enough people to think about their mortality every day, our priorities would be...

  • Business profile - Ivy Rehab

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Sep 25, 2019

    Before Ivy Rehab could open its clinic in Hinsdale, it needed a physical therapist who could provide the quality of care that Ivy clients expect and deserve. That's how things work at Ivy, William Haskell, director of business development - Midwest operations. First comes the talent, then comes the clinic. "We find the person first," said Haskell, who lives in Hinsdale with his wife and three children. Kim Connelly-Grote has been the face of the Ivy Rehab clinic at 100...

  • Ask an expert - Mike Stone ordained minister

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Sep 11, 2019

    What is the goal or your new evening prayer group? Mike Stone of Hinsdale is a chaplain and an ordained minister. But he doesn't believe that worship has to take place inside a church. As far as he's concerned, worship can take place any time and anywhere, including after hours in a bakery. Throughout his adult life, Stone has gained support, inspiration and a deeper understanding of his faith through his involvement in men's prayer groups and Bible studies. When he recently...

  • Business profile - The French Seam

    Ken Knutson|Updated Sep 4, 2019

    Jeanne Walsh said unveiling her own alterations shop in 1987 as a 24-year-old woman was quite avante-garde for the time. "There was a lot of talk of how young I was," Walsh recalled of the decision to open The French Seam. "There was a lot of uproar, which was good for me." Good in that it compelled her to work that much harder to achieve customer satisfaction. And good in that she can now look back on more than 30 years in business in Hinsdale. "The return business was shocki...

  • Ask an expert - Jaydn Chipman, oncology exercise specialist

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Aug 28, 2019

    What role does relaxation play in fighting cancer? A battle against cancer involves so much more than a patient's body, doctors and drugs. It also affects the person's mind, emotions, family and friends. This reality is the focus of Wellness House in Hinsdale, and of its special event planned for Saturday, Sept. 7, at Wellness House, 131 N. County Line Road. The Mind:Body Fest will showcase the many services and programs available at Wellness House to help patients,...

  • Ask an expert - John Deppe, Financial planner

    Ken Knutson|Updated Aug 21, 2019

    What Social Security considerations should people keep in mind? With about 70 percent of Americans opting to collect their Social Security benefits early, many likely are not making the most of that income potential as it relates to their overall financial picture. John Deppe, regional vice-president for Transamerica and author of "It's Your Money! Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Social Security Income," wants to help people optimize their benefits. Deppe will present the...

  • Agent profile - Carol Lee Cikanek

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Aug 15, 2019

    Carol Lee Cikanek learned the basics of the real estate business long before she even dreamed of selling her first house. Jobs selling floral arrangements, fine china and crystal, and photography equipment and products preceded Cikanek's real estate career. She said all prepared her for success as a real estate broker. "To me, real estate is incredibly simple," said Cikanek. "To be in sales, you have to know what you're selling." Cikanek is a broker with Coldwell Banker's down...

  • Ask an expert - Jessica Schultz, elementary school teacher

    Sandy Illian Bosch|Updated Aug 15, 2019

    How should families ready for the start of school? With just one week left before the first day of the new school year, many children might be tempted to cram as much summer as possible into their final days of vacation. But Jessica Schultz, a teacher on special assignment with Hinsdale Elementary District 181, suggests easing in with a few simple but important changes in the week before classes begin For most kids, the first thing on the back-to-school to-do list should be...

  • Ask an expert - Dave Herzog, puppeteer

    Ken Knutson|Updated Aug 2, 2019

    What's involved in styling a marionette show? Puppeteers like Dave Herzog work in full view of their audience. But that doesn’t mean he’s always seen. “I remember one boy saying to me after a show, ‘How did you make yourself invisible during the show?’ ” Herzog related with a laugh. The entertainer and his marionette magic will appear at the Hinsdale Public Library at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 29 (see Page 23 for details). Now in his fifth decade of dazzling young and old wit...