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  • Pritzker announces regional, phased-in plan for reopening economy

    Peter Hancock, Capitol News Illinois|Updated May 6, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker unveiled a plan Tuesday for the gradual reopening of the state’s economy on a region-by-region basis, but he suggested it could take several months or even a year before the state fully reopens. “Until we have a vaccine or an effective treatment or enough widespread immunity that new cases fail to materialize, the option of returning to normalcy doesn’t exist,” Pritzker said during his daily briefing in Chicago. “That means we have to learn how to live with COVID-19 until it can be vanquished....

  • Pritzker reports modest hospitalization progress

    Jerry Nowicki, Capitol News Illinois|Updated May 5, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD – Gov. JB Pritzker said the state is making modest progress in terms of COVID-19 hospitalizations and that his stay-at-home order will continue to be enforced at a local, not statewide, level. The Illinois Department of Public Health on Monday reported 2,341 new cases, bringing the state’s total to 63,840. IDPH also reported 46 additional deaths — the lowest daily number since April 19 — related to novel coronavirus, bringing that total to 2,662. “As to the number of fatalities today, I would just encourage...

  • Pritzker blasts lawmaker exempted from stay-at-home order by court

    Ben Orner, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 29, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker on Tuesday denounced a state representative from southern Illinois, calling the lawsuit that defeated his stay-at-home order in court “a cheap political stunt.” Referring to state Rep. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, only as “the state representative from the 109th district,” Pritzker said Bailey’s successful lawsuit in Clay County circuit court on Monday was “designed so that the representative can see his name in headlines.” “This ruling only applies to one person because it was only ever about o...

  • Pritzker blasts GOP rep's lawsuit, says 2 downstate counties have highest death rates

    Jerry Nowicki, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 28, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker urged southern Illinoisans to continue to comply with a stay-at-home order and named a pair of counties where the rate of those killed by the virus is higher than in Cook County. As he was speaking at his daily briefing Monday in Chicago, however, a Clay County judge was ruling against his authority to implement such an order. When told by reporters that the judge had ruled against his stay-at-home order, Pritzker blasted Republican Rep. Darren Bailey, of Xenia, who filed the lawsuit challenging...

  • State reaches COVID-19 testing goal for third straight day as cases rise

    Rebecca Anzel, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 27, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — The state reported more than 10,000 novel coronavirus tests completed for the third day in a row Sunday, leading to 2,126 more positive cases of the virus in Illinois. Gov. JB Pritzker has said that meeting the 10,000 per-day threshold gives medical professionals and state officials a more accurate understanding of COVID-19’s impact on communities across Illinois. In the last 24 hours, 13,335 test results were recorded. The governor said at his daily briefing in Chicago Sunday that any resident who has COV...

  • Illinois soars past daily testing goal for first time in COVID-19 pandemic

    Ben Orner, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 26, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — Illinois surpassed a long-stated benchmark of 10,000 daily completed tests for COVID-19, state officials announced Friday. Gov. JB Pritzker called the testing of more than 16,000 people in the past day “a very important milestone” in the state’s response to the pandemic. The Illinois Department of Public Health reported Friday that 16,124 tests were completed in the past 24 hours, shattering the state’s previous daily high of more than 9,000. “Vital to our efforts to reduce social restrictions, get our economy g...

  • Pritzker highlights mental health needs as COVID-19 cases continue to rise

    Peter Hancock, Capitol News Illinois|Updated Apr 26, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — As residents of Illinois head into their sixth week under a stay-at-home order recently extended through May, Gov. JB Pritzker on Saturday highlighted the availability of mental health services for people experiencing stress and anxiety during the novel coronavirus pandemic. During his daily COVID-19 public update in Chicago, Pritzker reminded Illinoisans that help is available, free of charge, through the text line Call4Calm, where people can access mental health services and other informational resources. P...

  • Stay-at-home order to be extended through May

    Updated Apr 24, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker said Thursday that Illinois’ novel coronavirus data necessitated an extension of his stay-at-home order through the end of May. The current executive order will expire May 1, at which time an order with “some modifications” will take effect. Masks will be mandatory for all residents over the age of 2 who can “medically tolerate a face covering,” when in a public place, the governor said. State parks will begin to open, although social distancing measures must be obeyed in them. Retail stor...

  • Illinois reports largest daily increases in COVID-19 cases, tests

    Updated Apr 23, 2020

    SPRINGFIELD – Illinois health officials reported the state’s largest one-day increase of COVID-19 cases and tests results Wednesday as Gov. JB Pritzker announced two new drive-through testing facilities. The Illinois Department of Public Health reported 2,049 new cases Wednesday and 98 additional deaths. Those new cases coincided with 9,349 test results reported, the largest single-day output by nearly 2,000. Pritzker has said previously, however, that the number of tests reported daily fluctuates as private labs, state labs...

  • This week's cover

    Updated Apr 23, 2020

    Study and work break — Sydney Breeden reaches new heights on the tree swing outside her home Tuesday morning with help from her dad, Mark. Sydney was on a gym break from her remote learning and Mark was on a coffee break from his investment banking job while working from home. (Jim Slonoff photo)...

  • Good news

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    AGENCIES receive COVID-19 GRANTS The Community House and Wellness House are two of 21 nonprofit agencies that received a total of $300,000 from the DuPage Foundation in its first round of COVID-19 Response Fund Grants. The Community House received a $6,000 grant and Wellness House received an $8,000 grant for technology to support virtual health and education. Sixty-nine agencies filed applications for funding totaling more than $1.3 million. ROTARY DONATES FACE SHIELDS The Rotary Club of Hinsdale has donated 225 face...

  • Appeals court upholds sentence for murder

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin announced last week that the Second District Appellate Court of Illinois affirmed the first-degree murder conviction and 70-year sentence of Jeffrey Keller, 56, formerly of Hinsdale, for the execution-style murder of 37-year-old Nathan Fox of Bloomingdale. Following a jury trial, Keller was sentenced Aug. 25, 2017, to 70 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. Fox was found at his residence with multiple gunshot wounds on Dec. 22, 2014, after Bloomingdale police r...

  • Rush/Copley ICU doc tackles COVID-19

    Ken Knutson|Updated Apr 22, 2020

    Just as lessons in handwashing have suddenly gone from banal to illuminating, critical care physician Hesham Hassaballa of Hinsdale had never contemplated needing instructions on donning his personal protective equipment. A pandemic has a way changing one's perspective. "We have PPE coaches that show us how to put it on and take it off," said Hassaballa, medical director of the ICU at Rush Copley Medical Center in Aurora. "I can't thank them enough for making sure we're doing...

  • COVID-19 cases top 30 in Hinsdale this week

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    The DuPage County Health Department reported 28 confirmed cases and the Cook County Health Department reported five confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hinsdale as of April 21. The DuPage County has a total of 1,861 confirmed cases, including 99 deaths, according to a map on the health department’s website. A week ago Hinsdale had 18 confirmed cases, with 1,313 confirmed cases across the county, including 60 deaths. Among the county cases, 54 of them, including 10 deaths, are associated Chateau Center Nursing Home and R...

  • Free frozen meals given out to township seniors

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    Downers Grove Township seniors age 60 and older are eligible to receive a five-count pack of frozen meals. The DuPage County portion of Hinsdale lies within the township. Packs will be distributed from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday, April 27, at the township building, 4340 Prince St., Downers Grove. Registration is required, and the deadline to register is noon today, April 23 To register, send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or call the township offices at (630) 719-6670. If no one answers,...

  • Weekly agenda

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    Hinsdale High School District 86 Board virtual meeting 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23 On the agenda: closed session (5:30 to about 6:30 p.m.), cyber security update, approve facilities naming request, award access door control systems bid, approve 2020-21 Chromebook agreement The Hinsdale Village Board, Community Consolidated District 181 Board and Hinsdale High School District 86 Board are not scheduled to meet the week of April 27 to May 1....

  • Central adjusts to news it won't re-open

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    Prom. Graduation. State titles. All have been in jeopardy since Hinsdale Central was closed March 13. But the news that all have been canceled is official — and it’s difficult to hear. “I was holding out hope,” Hinsdale Central varsity boys tennis coach John Naisbitt said. “I was irrationally thinking we could maybe meet in early to mid-May and get it going and just do a sectional and a state. I was grasping at straws trying to get this done because we have an outstanding team.” Then Gov. JB Pritzker announced Friday scho...

  • COVID-19 victims have ties to Hinsdale

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Apr 22, 2020

    An NFL player who grew up in Hinsdale, a Hinsdale police officer and 11 individuals at ManorCare Hinsdale are among those who have confirmed cases of COVID-19. Last week Hinsdale Central graduate Brian Allen, starting center for the Los Angeles Rams, became the first NFL player to admit he had COVID-19. Allen, 24, tested positive three weeks ago, the NFL announced April 15. FOX Sports’ Jay Glazer first reported the development. Rams coach Sean McVay spoke about Allen during a segment on FOX Football Now, according to the N...

  • In this together

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    'Taggers' leave their mark - Luckily chalk is the preferred medium in tagging village sidewalks these days. In addition to colorful drawings many sidewalks such as these leading to Madison School have messages of hope and love. If you have a photo showing how your or your friends or neighbors are coping these days, email it to [email protected]. (Jim Slonoff photo)...

  • HCS Family Services offers drive-up food pantry for clients

    Updated Apr 22, 2020

    Peter and Anne Madden assemble food for clients lining up at the Memorial Building to pick up groceries last month. Lynn Wallace takes some of the paper products that also are given to each client. Social distancing protocols have required the food pantry to distribute pre-packaged groceries instead of allowing clients to make their own selections. (Jim Slonoff photos)...

  • Village pumps brakes on road projects

    Ken Knutson|Updated Apr 22, 2020

    The village is downshifting its slate of 2020 road improvements amidst the economic uncertainty caused by coronavirus restrictions. But two of the most significant projects will proceed. At Tuesday night’s village board meeting, conducted via teleconference with only Village President Tom Cauley in the meeting room, Cauley said this year’s master infrastructure plan would be scaled back. “We’ve decided to defer all capital projects that can be deferred to conserve cash,” he said. But trustees held first readings on awarding...

  • This week's cover

    Updated Apr 16, 2020

    Messages of hope - While walking around Hinsdale these days, residents are liable to come across a message written on a small stone or even a brick. The colorful hand-painted stones often are placed at the base of trees. In this case a brick was placed on top of the Robbins Park sign. Under a nearby park bench, the brick just has the word "Hope" painted on it. Whether written on a small stone or a brick, the messages display the community's spirit. (Jim Slonoff...

  • In this together

    Updated Apr 15, 2020

    Open for business - The "Little Library" on the corner of Garfield Avenue and Sixth Street has set up a new line of goods available and has rebranded itself to the "Little Free Food Pantry". If you have a photo showing how you or your friends or neighbors are coping these days, email it to [email protected]....

  • Easter bunny hops around Hinsdale on house calls

    Updated Apr 15, 2020

    With annual Easter Egg hunt put on hold this year, the Hinsdale Parks and Recreation Department and The Community House teamed up to chauffeur the bunny around town to make some house calls. One of his first stops was visiting Kennedy and Madison DeLacey, along with parents Jeff and Rebecca. A short hop away, he dropped in on Duke Jelinek and his parents, David and Brittany. We're happy to report that the bunny was able to comply with social distancing guidelines. (Jim...

  • Virus doesn't halt local construction work

    Ken Knutson|Updated Apr 15, 2020

    COVID-19 has certainly disrupted regular school rhythms, but the absence of students has meant an early start to campus improvement work. At the April 9 Hinsdale High School District 86 Board meeting, Chief Financial Officer Josh Stephenson updated board members on the construction timeline for Future Ready Facilities plans at Hinsdale Central and Hinsdale South. Stephenson said the district has obtained necessary permits from the DuPage Regional Office of Education. “That allows us to commence any construction projects w...

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