Information on 2020 Census arriving soon

Hinsdale residents should receive information soon about the 2020 Census.

The 2020 Census counts every person living in the 50 states, District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories.

In early March, households will start receiving their census login information in the mail and the census response website will go live. For the first time, each home will receive an invitation to respond to the census online, on the phone or through the mail. When completing the census, residents should will include everyone living in their home on April 1, 2020. “Everyone” includes newborns, older individuals and non-family members.

Participation in the Census is of critical importance to the Village of Hinsdale. Census data directly impacts local funding, electoral representation and local decisions.

Funding — The census directly impacts the funding Hinsdale will receive over the next decade. Federal and state funds received by the village are based upon census data counts. Undercounted or missed persons in this census will directly impact how much overall funding is made available to Hinsdale to support a multitude of local community services, projects and programs.

Representation — Accurate census data helps ensure fair representation at all levels of government. Census counts determine how many Congressional representatives each state gets and are used to redraw federal, state and local district boundaries.

Planning and decision making — Census data is the most reliable and complete population information available for research, decision making and planning. Businesses of all types and sizes and all levels of government rely on census data to inform their research, decision making and planning for issues including emergency preparedness, schools, roads, hospitals and other important resources and policy decisions.

Learn more about the 2020 Census by visiting