Hinsdale is in no rush to have 5G rolled out here

We are being inundated with 5G commercials and how great it will be for all of us. Lucky Hinsdale, we were even selected to be one of the first for the 5G rollout. So, why are there “Stop 5G” signs popping up all over town?

Well, after doing a little research, maybe we should slow this 5G train down and make sure Hinsdale is not the first stop. When you take a closer look at the fine print of a 5G commercial, it reads “Future use of AI, not available for today.” AI stands for artificial intelligence. So, all this great technology is not even available yet? Then, there is the very real property depreciation (estimated at around 20 percent) and possible health implications if you have a 5G pole in front of your home. Not to mention, the poles, no matter how much you try and make them aesthetically pleasing, are far from it. Hundreds of these poles need to go up all over Hinsdale for 5G to work. 5G poles will change the character of Hinsdale.

Let me be very clear — I am not against technology. I am not against 5G or any other advances in technology as long as it does not adversely impact property values and is proven safe. Until then, why doesn’t Verizon roll out in towns like Wilmette and Kenilworth first. Roll by Hinsdale. We are in no rush for 5G here. — Craig Hoffend, Hinsdale

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