Police beat

Hinsdale police released the following reports Oct. 13 and 21.

DUI arrest

Acadio Quiroz-Ramirez, 37, 4 S. Oltendorf, Streamwood, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving with a blood-alcohol content higher than .08, improper lane use and six counts of child restraint violations at 1:41 a.m. Oct. 18 in the 10 block of East Ogden Avenue. Six children were observed not properly restrained in child seats or with seat belts. He was charged and released to appear in court.

Open burning violation

Harrison C. Weber, 18, 535 Walker Road, Hinsdale, was cited under local ordinance for lighting a metal can on fire near a dumpster at Gateway Square, 777 N. York Road, at 7:20 p.m. Oct. 14. He was released to appear in court.

Items missing after move

A vehicle cargo cover, headphones and various household items worth $840 were missing after a moving service packed and moved the possessions of residents of the 5600 block of South Oak Street between May 1 and Oct. 14.

Political signs swiped

Political signs were taken from homes in the 500 block of South Garfield Avenue, the 100 block of North Lincoln Street (two), the 800 block of South Madison Street and the 500 block of North Clay Street between Oct. 11 and 14.

Identity theft incidents

• A resident of the 100 block of Maumell Street reported Oct. 7 unauthorized activity on a bank equity line of credit on occurred Sept. 23.

• Someone used a credit card belonging to a resident of the 200 block of South Clay Street to make unauthorized charges on Sept. 9. The victim received an email threatening that his computer was hacked and was instructed to pay a ransom of $250 through Bitcoin. He contacted police Oct. 13.

• Individuals used the information of residents of the 300 block of North Quincy Street, the 500 block of North Vine Street, the 300 block of Claymoor Road, the 300 block of The Lane, the 200 block of North Elm Street, the 600 block of South Adams Street and the 400 block of East Third Street to apply for unemployment benefits between Sept. 27 and Oct. 11.

• Someone forged checks and withdrew $2,800 from the bank account belonging to a resident of the 500 block of Franklin Street on Oct. 8.

Business check forged

A business check was forged using the information of Home Helpers Inc., 123 E. Ogden Ave., on Oct. 7. The victim was alerted by its bank and the forged check was not cashed.

Vehicle burglarized

The interior of an unlocked vehicle parked in a driveway in the 300 block of Bonnie Brae Road was rummaged through between 2 and 10 a.m. Oct. 9. Nothing was reported missing.

Arrests do not constitute conviction of a crime, and individuals listed here should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. If charges are dismissed or reduced or the accused is found not guilty, he or she can contact The Hinsdalean at [email protected] to provide us with documentation. Information will be updated online and in the next issue of the paper.