Writer calls for D86 board president to resign

Kevin Camden has taken his short tenure as D86 president and board member straight to the ditch. At the Oct. 29, 2020, meeting, President Camden uttered homophobic slurs, including the pejorative use of “Jew” in his outlandish hypotheticals as justification of D86’s suppression of residents’ First Amendment rights. The ease in which he used these words and his depiction of a father’s accusation that his son is a “f----t” (homophobic slur) and he won’t be playing, even in the hypothetical sense, reveals Camden’s thinking and it is disgusting. I imagine the D86 LGBTQ population was traumatized hearing this from their school board president. The entire community should be outraged and demand his immediate resignation as president and board member. D86 has many challenges ahead, and Camden has demonstrated he lacks the temperament, the ability and the compassion to be D86’s president and can’t be an effective leader. — Richard Morton, Burr Ridge

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