Meeting roundup

Hinsdale High School District 86 Board

Among other business April 22, board members

• potsponed a decision on whether to spend $500,000 out of $3.2 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund money to fill in the existing pool at Hinsdale Central to create a flex space. The 6,500-square-foot space could be used for lunch periods to maintain six feet of social distance when all students return to school in August. Some board members said the money should be used solely to meet students’ academic and social-emotional needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Board members agreed to postpone a decision until the four new board members are seated in May.

• approved multi- and one-year contracts for a variety of administrators. Salaries range from $80,384 for the security director to $260,609 for the superintendent.

• heard Erik Held, finance committee chair, report the district has spent $113,250 on curriculum alignment work since 2019.

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