As a 30-year resident of Hinsdale High School District 86 who raised three graduates, I am grateful for the great educations that they received from kindergarten through 12th grade. We all made wonderful, life-long friends, too. However, my adult children have told me that their friends of color had some negative experiences in school and that the curriculum omitted history about marginalized peoples. My kids lament the lack of diversity in our schools and community. It does not reflect the world that they live and work in today.
I believe that we need to heed the millennial generation’s call to work for inclusion and healing in our society. If we understand our biases and privilege, then we are better able to unite. Where better to start than with our students who are the future?
I request that CELT ask Chicago’s chief equity officer, Candace Moore, for recommendations of individuals to interview for diversity consultant of District 86. Then our administrators could vet candidates who model respectful, open minded and professional behavior in their public discourse. As one of the best districts in our nation, we should be leaders in educational equity. I urge everyone to support this goal.
During my time in our community, I have found the “silent majority” of folks to be of good will, who give generously through volunteering. We support each other in times of need. Together, we can maintain our reputation for a fine community with excellent public schools. Let’s make them great for everyone. — Mary Ann Patterson, Hinsdale