Hinsdale, mi encanto

If you are anything like me - a parent who spends countless hours in the car because your kids have a more robust social calendar than you do - your driving playlist has been one thing and one thing only as of late: the "Encanto" soundtrack.

Hard to believe, but even after hearing it on repeat for the last month-plus, I still love it. When the tunes aren't streaming through our car speakers or the Echo, it's blaring from the television. My college roommate and I regularly exchange Madrigal-centric memes via Instagram and I'm guilty of mimicking Luisa's dance moves while cleaning my kitchen. Then there are my kids' a cappella renditions of every song, which are admittedly pretty good for two guys with no training - yet seldom performed at opportune times. (My sincere apologies to the shoppers and employees of Kramer's.)

After several viewings, I realized an interesting parallel: Hinsdale is an encanto of its own. A special place and a truly interconnected community. How many times have I been speaking with someone new when we've both had that a-ha moment over a common acquaintance? Too many to count. What about when I've picked up my phone to text a mom friend about something that just made me laugh/ponder/angry and a message from that very person about that very same thing is already flashing on the screen? More often than I ever would have imagined.

We are lucky to live in a village bursting with these synergies. Maybe you weren't aware of it before but next time you reach for the exact library book as a stranger, recite an identical sandwich order as the person ahead of you or share a knowing look with another parent as they attempt to wrangle their child out of the Walgreens candy aisle, I defy you not to smile.

These days, we are all Madrigals: keeping some semblance of order like Abuela, shifting like Camilo as regulations change, listening closely for important details like Dolores, shouldering heavy burdens as Luisa does, cheering from the sidelines in Agustin's supportive way and just trying to find our place like Mirabel. Recalling the theme from my last column, it's truly magical that we're all living this life together.

Hinsdale - our encanto - is the sum of its parts. Each and every one of us adds to its charm and it would do us all good to support one another. Keep that in mind every day - even when you run into me as I'm rocking my messy mom braid and third-string leggings.

We're still not talking about Bruno, though.

- Lex Silberberg of Hinsdale is a contributing columnist. Readers can email her at [email protected].

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