Police beat

Hinsdale police distributed the following reports Sept. 20 and 27.

Home burglarized

A house in the 800 block of Justina Street was forcibly entered, and a closet and bedroom dresser drawers inside were ransacked between 11:33 and 11:47 a.m. Sept. 20. A surveillance camera was taken from the house.

Dog bite reported

A person was bitten in the thigh by a dog while walking on the street at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 at 57th Street and County Line Road. The dog was on a leash and the owner continued walking away.

Identity thefts

• Someone used the identity of a resident of the 100 block of West North Street to open a telephone account and accrue a balance of $2,092. The victim contacted police Sept. 16.

• The identify of a resident of the 800 block of South Clay Street was used to open a cellular phone account and charge $178.43 on Sept. 8. The incident was reported Sept. 20.

• A bank account belonging to a resident of the 1200 block of Hawthorne Lane was accessed in an attempt to transfer money and request new cards between Sept. 17 and 21. The suspect also accessed the victim’s email account and attempted to solicit money from the victim’s contacts. No dollar loss was reported.

• A bank account was opened using the identity of a victim Aug. 25 at Hinsdale Bank & Trust, 25 E. First St. The incident was reported Sept. 23.

Property damage

Someone threw eggs at the front door of a home in the 5500 block of South Washington Street Sept. 17.

Arrests do not constitute conviction of a crime, and individuals listed here should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. If charges are dismissed or reduced or the accused is found not guilty, he or she can contact The Hinsdalean at [email protected] to provide us with documentation. Information will be updated online and in the next issue of the paper.

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