Meeting roundup

Hinsdale High School District 86

Among other business Dec. 15, board members:

• held a public hearing on and approved 2022 property tax levies of $94.9 million for corporate and special purposes and $12.2 million for debt service and public building commission leases, for a total levy of $107.1 million. No district residents spoke at the public hearing.

• approved a two-year contract renewal for Keith Bockwoldt, chief information office, effective July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025, at an annual salary of $192,642

• heard a report on the annual comprehensive financial report for fiscal year 2022 from Andy Mace of Wipfli LLP, the district’s auditor, who issued a clean opinion.

“Only about probably 25 percent of all Illinois school districts receive a clean audit,” he said. “Hinsdale 86 is truly adhering to the best practices of external financial reporting.”

• approved a change order with a $653,199 credit for value engineering items for phase four bid period five of the future ready facilities project

• reviewed a report on costs associated with strategic plan accomplishments as requested by board member Peggy James.

“I was a little surprised that it didn’t have more of a presentation feel,” she said. “It felt like it was a little bit more of a worksheet to me.”

She plans to meet with Josh Stephenson, chief financial officer, to request some additional information.

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