Brighten gloomy days by getting out of the house

The new year opened with almost three weeks of warmer than normal temperatures, with highs in the 50s last week and this week.

But 2023 also has brought us more than our fair share of cloudy days as well. You can probably count on one hand the number of times the sun has come out — and it won’t be out tomorrow. (The forecast shows our next glimpse of the sun will be on Friday, Jan. 27.)

All these gray days can leaving us feeling, well, a bit under the weather emotionally.

Do not despair!

Hinsdaleans have plenty of opportunities over the next several weeks to brighten their days with events and activities sure to bring a sunny smile to participants’ faces.

Two are highlighted in stories in this week’s paper.

Stage Door Fine Arts is bringing the Tony award-winning “Matilda the Musical” to the stage at The Community House later this month. Hear from actors and artistic director Don Smith in the Pulse feature on Page 17.

Learn about artist Lindsay Olson, whose work will soon be on display at the Hinsdale Public Library, in our “Ask an Expert” feature on Page 14. She’ll be at the library for an artist’s reception on Jan. 26.

The library is hosting several fun activities this month, from Family Bingo Boogie (Jan. 26) to Snacks and Sculptures (Jan. 24) to Kitchen Tech (Jan. 26) — and that last event includes samples.

Music is a wonderful way to lift our spirits, as is celebrating talented youth. Korngold’s Hollywood Concerto at the MAC in Glen Ellyn this weekend will do just that, with a 16-year-old guest violinist set to perform. Later this month, the Elmhurst Symphony Orchestra and guest soloists will be in Hinsdale for ConcertoFest! Jan. 28 at Union Church. At nearby Drury Lane Theatre, the iconic “A Chorus Line” opens Jan. 25.

Even if the sun isn’t out, spending time outdoors in the fresh air is invigorating, and local forest preserves are a great place to do so.

Interested in learning to cross country ski? Lessons will be offered at Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, just a short drive away in Lemont, this weekend and next.

Enjoy spending time outdoors at night? Take a Night Owls Walk at the Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center in Willow Springs on Jan. 28. Or learn how the world was shaped by wind and fire during an evening of fireside story telling at Earth, Wind and Fire Jan. 22 at the Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center.

Looking ahead to February, Fullersburg Woods will offer Romantic Night Hikes Feb. 10 and 11, complete with roaring fires, hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows.

Kids who need some energy — or to burn some off — can learn indoor golf, basketball, tumbling and other sports at The Community House. Seniors can head there as well for a special “friendraiser” lunch, a bus trip to the Chicago History Museum and weekly film discussions.

Pet-lovers can get their fix at a special Hinsdale Public Library story time at the Hinsdale Humane Society Jan. 21. And trivia buffs might enjoy the Hinsdale Historical Society’s Trivia Night Jan. 28.

Whatever will brighten your day, you’re likely to find it in our Pulse “Out and about” listings starting on Page 18. Find details about the events listed above — and even more — there.

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