Letter - Akhras checks the right boxes for District 86

Asma Akhras should be among those who guide D86 into the future. She brings compelling experience in the education field. She has taught in classrooms, has post graduate education-related schooling, has volunteered on local elementary and high school committees, and has worked in fields supporting school districts. This broad experience will help the board find commonality among the many stakeholders of D86.

Parents want our students to thrive. Asma does too. She believes in meeting students where they are, providing rigorous curriculum options, supporting all types of learners, and desires growth for all students – whether already high performing or needing extra support.

Asma is ready to take on the recent tumultuous times at D86. She recognizes that trust and collaboration must be renewed. Asma has plans for addressing falling standardized test scores. She is well-qualified to help guide the hiring of a new superintendent. She recognizes that communication needs to improve, especially surrounding data-driven decision making.

Asma brings the right personal attributes to the BOE. She is respectful in her interactions with constituents. She is responsive to questions and answers them directly. She has demonstrated her willingness to listen to the public through her numerous campaign events.

I am not alone in believing Asma is the right person for the job. She has been endorsed by the mayor of Darien, a dean of Moraine Valley Community College, The Hinsdalean, and most importantly – numerous members of the D86 community. They support Asma, I support Asma, and I hope you will too. — Michael Jeffords, Clarendon Hills

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