Hinsdale police are investigating a burglary to Kelsey Resale Boutique, 49 S. Washington St., that occurred at 1:19 a.m. Wednesday, May 24.
A group of at least seven offenders used a sledge hammer to break through a glass door and target merchandise, according to Hinsdale Chief Brian King. The offenders arrived in two SUVs, which stopped on Washington in front of the store, and were in and out of the shop in less than two minutes. Hinsdale officers discovered the burglary after responding to an alarm call.
"These overnight burglaries with multiple offenders are typically planned events that target specific merchandise," King said. "They occur regionally."
The shop was closed Wednesday, a note on the door indicated, and planned to reopen today, May 25, for normal business hours.
Hinsdale experiences few business burglaries in any given year, King noted. The most recent burglaries to occur in the central business district were last year at the Hinsdale Barber Shop and Wild Ginger. That led to the petitioning of two juvenile offenders; those cases are still pending in court. The offender in an attempted auto burglary last month behind the Hinsdale Wine Shop was recently identified by Hinsdale police and charges are pending.
"We place a lot of resources in solving these cases, and the burglary at Kelsey's is no different," King said.