Meeting roundup

Hinsdale High School District 86

Among other business Feb. 22, board members:

• tabled an administration recommendation to consolidate student fees, including text books, course fees, course supplies, academic field trips, student ID, PE uniforms, graduation and technology fees, into one comprehensive registration fee of $475 for the 2024-25. Board President Cat Greenspon said board members still had questions about the proposal that needed to be answered before taking a vote. At the Feb. 8 committee of the whole meeting, board members inquired about families being able to opt out of the textbook portion of the fee if they were able to procure books independently. Administrators said an opt-out would prove extremely challenging because of the difficulty in determining which books would then not need to be ordered by the student, department or district.

• approved revisions to district policy governing open/closed session discussion of the superintendent’s performance and goal setting, stating that setting of goals for the superintendent may be discussed in a closed session meeting as long as it is intertwined with discussion of the superintendent’s performance. Otherwise goal setting must be discussed in open session along with the vote on those goals. The amendments were prompted by a recent Illinois Attorney General opinion that the board had violated the state’s open meetings act in 2022 by talking about goal setting for the superintendent behind closed doors. The opinion was issued in response to complaint filed by resident Dale Kleber.

• heard a report on the 2024 summer school program, which will be held at Hinsdale South High School. Semester one will run from June 3-21, and semester two will run from June 24 to July 12. Classes will not meet on June 19, July 4 or July 5. Drivers education will be offered at Hinsdale Central’s campus, too. Bus transportation will be available for all students for no additional fee. Registration opens April 15.

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