MAP test scores are good news for D181

Spring MAP test scores show Community Consolidated Elementary District 181 students are continuing to outperform their peers, with most showing a higher than expected level of growth.

Thirty-four percent of students scored in the 90-99th percentile on the Measurement of Academic Progress in reading, with almost 60 percent scoring in the top decile in math, Kristin Reingruber told board members at their June 17 meeting. Seventy-two percent scored in the top three decile bands (70-79, 80-89 and 90-99) in reading and 83 percent did so in math.

Reingruber, the district’s director of assessment, instruction and evaluation, shared slides showing student’s performance in the various decile bands. No bell curves were to be seen.

“We do not see the typical curve that you do see across other districts,” she said. “I had to make the graph smaller and slide it over a little bit.”

All but three grades at all nine schools exceeded the 50 percent growth target in reading.

“Across the board we are significantly above or right at that number,” Reingruber said. “These are really exciting numbers to see.”

Walker first-graders showed the highest percentage growth at 84.3. Madison third-graders, Monroe fifth-graders and Hinsdale Middle School sixth-graders fell below the 50 percent benchmark, showing 45.3 to 46.5 percent growth.

In math, all but two grades saw more than 50 percent growth. Walker first-graders again showed the most at 96.1 percent, with 16 grades showing growth of 80 percent or more. Madison fifth-graders and HMS sixth-graders showed 49.2 and 46.9 percent growth, respectively.

Board member Grace Shin noted that the district purchased a new math curriculum two years ago.

“I think we’re seeing the fruits of those results right now,” Shin said.

Principals presented their school improvement plans to academic success committee members earlier in the day June 17.

“Our teams are going to continue to reflect on both the academic and the social-emotional strategies. Their goal is to be intentional to meet the needs of all their learners,” Reingruber said.

Board member Margie Kleber offered her congratulations to the department of learning.

“This is amazing. Every year I’m blown away,” she said.

“I love the fact that we continue to push that bar higher and higher,” Superintendent Hector Garcia commented. “What a great way to end the year.”

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Pamela Lannom is editor of The Hinsdalean