Student athlete profile - Elyssa Abdullah

Elyssa Abdullah


How does it feel to start your senior campaign?

I'm just looking to end on a strong note. I'm just working hard to improve for college but also have fun this year. I've been very hard on myself with golf up to now, so I want to play well and enjoy it as well.

What's your earliest memory of playing golf?

When I was in elementary school practicing next to my older sister (Isabella) and trying to model her swing.

How have you developed as a competitor?

I've picked up better practice habits. If I practice like it's a competition, it makes actual matches a lot less stressful, so I make practice as hard as possible by hitting a lot of balls in a row to the distance I'm trying to hit. Being on a team has helped me become a better teammate. I try to be an example to the younger players.

How would your teammates describe you?

For sure energetic and hard working. I am social, but when I'm on the course I'm in my own zone. I've learned to keep my social life separate when competing. Golf's the only thing that should matter then.

Any pre-match rituals?

I listen to the same country music playlist when I practice. I always use the same ball markers, and I wear one of two hats. I also pray with my mom before tournaments.

What are your season goals?

I just want to do better than last year (seventh at state).

How do you like to kick back?

I'm very close with a few girls on the team, so we like to hang out. I like to hang out with my family, and I like reading mysteries and thrillers and watch a lot of older movies.

Where are you headed after Central?

I'm verbally committed to play at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I really want to go to medical school, but I'm also going to try and go pro as a golfer.

Why does head coach Nick Latorre like having Abdullah on the squad?

Elyssa has been a tremendous competitor and person in our program for the past four years. She embodies hard work, discipline and a team-first attitude that permeates throughout our team. Her leadership has blossomed and she is a great role model for everyone in our program.

- profile by Ken Knutson, photo by Jim Slonoff