Student athlete profile - Matt Rogers

Matt Rogers


What was your mindset coming into senior year?

I really want to make sure I give this year my all and leave a lasting impact so that my last year is very memorable. I want to use all the lessons I've learned in the past seasons and prove what I know.

How have you evolved as a competitor?

Freshman year I hadn't bought into the sport of running as I have now. Middle school running wasn't as serious, but now I care about the sport and that makes me want to improve. I really want running to be part of who I am and to be the best version of who I am in this sport.

What do you enjoy about the sport?

You can really see results and be rewarded if you're willing to put in the effort to get there. You can train on your own or you can do it with a group. It's very easy to mold it around your schedule. During a race, you can keep an eye on your teammates so they can help you keep a good pace.

Do you have any pre-race rituals?

I like to visualize the race before it happens and spend time getting to know the course map so I know, for example, that this hill is a mile into the race so I need to prepare for that. I know where to open up my stride and gain a little bit of ground on my opponents.

Who have been your role models?

Teammate Cooper Revord and former Central runners Dan Watcke and Aden Bandukwala. Their commitment has inspired me.

What else are you involved in?

I'm part of Habitat for Humanity at Central, and I'm involved in Boy Scouts and working toward getting Eagle Scout rank.


I have younger sister, Maeve, a junior at Central.

What are the best movies you've seen lately?

"Deadpool" and "Wolverine."

What's your goal for the rest of the season?

I definitely would like to compete in the state meet, and I'd like our team can get a nice placement at state.

Why does coach Jim Westphal like having Rogers on the squad?

Matt is a tireless worker. He leads by example and he's a very good teammate. His improvements over the last year are the result of dedication and perseverance.

- profile by Ken Knutson, photo by Jim Slonoff

Author Bio

Ken Knutson is associate editor of The Hinsdalean