Student athlete profile - Emma Marquardt

Emma Marquardt


What do you love most about running?

What I love about running is the feeling after. It feels really good, especially on Saturdays, to be able to say it's only 9 in the morning and I already ran 5 miles. It's a good start to the day. After school, it's a good break between school and homework. It gets my energy up. It's nice to talk to my friends at practice, too.

Where do you most like to run?

My favorite place to run is Graue Mill. We go there a lot for Saturday practices. Lately I've been going there by myself or with a friend when we're not in season.

What is most challenging for you?

It's definitely just the mental part. You have to be able to push yourself when everything hurts.

How have you improved since your freshman year?

I've improved a lot with pushing myself. I've also improved in trying my best every day at practice.

What is the best advice you've gotten from a coach?

"Growth and comfort never co-exist" was a quote from Coach McCabe that sticks with me.

What is your goal for your senior season?

To get to sub-8 minutes for each mile of the three miles and to inspire the underclassmen to want to keep going with cross country and just be a good role model for them.

What are your plans for next year?

I want to go into business. I don't think I'm going to do cross country competitively. I know a lot of colleges have a club you can join, so I'll definitely consider that and running on my own.

Why does coach Mark McCabe like having Marquardt on the team?

Emma has been an athlete on the cross country team since her freshman year. On the field of play, she's shown great improvement due to hard work each summer and fall and that continues into her senior year. Off the field of play, though, is where Emma has made her greatest contributions. She is a quiet leader who sets a great example for all of her teammates. Emma is an excellent role model as a young woman of truly good character, always kind, helpful and "doing the right thing". I am proud to have Emma as a member of our program.

- profile by Pamela Lannom, photo by Jim Slonoff

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Pamela Lannom is editor of The Hinsdalean