Letter - Teens ask readers to donate $25 to help save lives

Serving as president for the just1mike Junior Board for our schools in an extreme honor. We’ve been volunteering for the just1mike Foundation since middle school. Just1mike was founded after Michael Brindley tragically died from sudden cardiac arrest in 2016 at the age of 16, right after finishing his sophomore year at Central. He was away at basketball camp when his parents received a call no parent should ever receive.

Michael is missed every single day by those who love and know him. To honor Michael, his parents founded the just1mike foundation. They work hard so no other family receives the call they did. We work hard to support Mrs. Brindley by raising awareness and funds for heart screenings at schools like Central and South.

SCA is the leading cause of death for student athletes and on school campuses nationwide. ECG testing can detect up to 85 percent of hidden heart defects.

Last April at Central, 1,657 students were screened and 19 students were identified. Lives were saved!

In addition to ECG screenings, the foundation raises awareness about the importance of CPR training and raises funds for automated external defibrillators and publicly accessible outdoor AED SaveStations.

October is SCA awareness month, and it is also Michael’s birthday month. On Oct. 7, Michael would have celebrated his 25th birthday. We and other junior board members are asking for donations of $25 to honor Michael. We will also walk in Michael’s memory on Oct. 27 from village hall to the just1mike AED SaveStation in Burns Field Park.

We are calling our fundraiser $25 Saves Lives!

Please consider donating to the just1mike foundation because $25 will save lives! — Connor Mangone and Bridget Schwarz, just1mike Junior Board co-presidents