Top 10 reasons why I love newspapers

Thanks for taking time out to read this column in the midst of your National Newspaper Week celebrations!


You haven't been attending countless cocktail parties and dinners to celebrate this momentous week?

Well, I will forgive you. Newspaper Week hasn't quite gained the traction of everyone's favorite fall holiday (perhaps because it's tough to decorate for), but we do observe it here at The Hinsdalean.

And in honor of this week, I'd like to present my Top 10 list of reasons why I love newspapers.

10. My first taste of fame

My photo ran in the newspaper when I was in elementary school and selected to be "Queen of King Arthur's Court" by The Homewood-Flossmoor Star. I was a regular contributor of poetry, believe it or not, and enjoyed having a short blurb about me run with my photo and my newest poem, titled "Transportation."

9. Crossword puzzles

Yes, you can do them online, and yes, I get frustrated when people tell me that it's their favorite part of the paper - especially when I've worked particularly hard that week on a story or column. But I do like doing the crosswords, and prefer putting pen to paper over fingers to keyboard.

8. Recipes

Like crossword puzzles, recipes are available everywhere. But it's so much more fun when they are accompanied by a personal story and chosen specifically for readers. To see what I mean, turn to Amy McCauley's "Tales from the table" food column on Page 22.

7. Useful information

Local newspapers help you keep track of what's happening in your community, from village and school board meetings to upcoming events, like the Hinsdale Fall Festival.

6. Advertisements

I love reading about new merchandise a local shop is carrying, a new dish on the menu of a local restaurant or the a window washing service that will give me a clearer view of the world.

5. Marking milestones

There's a quote we love that says newspapers write the first draft of history. Newspapers also documents individuals' lives, through birth announcements, engagement/wedding/anniversary announcements and obituaries.

4. Accountability

I'd like to say that we always get everything right, but we're human, and we make mistakes. When we do, we fess up by running a correction on Page 6. You won't see that on social media.

3. Opinion pages

In addition to reporting the news and writing features, newspapers also offer thought-provoking commentary in the form of editorials (written by the paper's editorial board), columns and letters to the editor. We are proud of the fact that we are one of very few local newspapers still running weekly editorials.

2. Community connections

Truly local newspapers share stories that connect readers with people they otherwise would know nothing about - from the folks who serve on the board of a local nonprofit to local business owners to high school athletes.

1. They're a great place to work

I had no idea when I took my first journalism job in 1988 (as a proofreader at The Doings) that I would still be working in the field 35 years later. But working as a reporter and editor has given me the opportunity to meet fascinating people and learn so many new things. I can't think of a career I would have enjoyed more.

- Pamela Lannom is editor of The Hinsdalean. This column was first published Oct. 5, 2023.

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Pamela Lannom is editor of The Hinsdalean