Letter - Leacock has right experience, beliefs for county board

I write to introduce you to my friend and neighbor, Baron Leacock. Baron is running for DuPage County Board, District 3.

Baron is a breath of fresh air. A first-generation American, Baron was the first in his family to be born here. His family settled in Darien, where Baron enjoyed a childhood filled with warmth, love and opportunity.

Now Baron is committed to providing that same environment for his family and all of our families. Baron is committed to ensuring we have safe communities and schools, holding the line on taxes and protecting the vulnerable.

With degrees from Hinsdale South, Harvard and Columbia Law School, Baron is well-qualified to serve on our county board. He has my full support and I encourage you to vote for him too.

Early voting has already started. You can cast your vote now at Downers Grove Recreation Center, located at 4500 Belmont Road in Downers Grove, or Hinsdale Village Hall starting Monday, Oct. 21. — Cathy Hofmann, Hinsdale