Student athlete profile - Denis Altman

Denis Altman


How has your senior soccer season been different?

Consistency is big for me, and being on varsity last year has helped build that consistency with a lot of my teammates. I've been putting the work in the summer to come into the season ready to compete.

What do you enjoy about the sport?

It's a versatile sport, so the ability to adapt is really important. You can't predict anything and you have to adjust to whatever is in front of you.

How have you evolved as a competitor since freshman year?

The biggest thing is making that change from playing club soccer to high school soccer. Being new to the school and playing with a lot of people you've never played with before is an adjustment. I've developed a role in the program, and now playing for your school and your teammates is a source of pride and motivation, especially when you friends are there cheering you on. I've also kind of built a more outgoing personality and the confidence to say something that I think will benefit the people around me.

How do you prepare yourself for a match?

I like to stay really composed in a pre-game warm-ups, stay quiet and get myself mentally ready for the game.

How would your teammates describe you?

As a leader in the backline, I'm always the one talking and getting everyone organized. We do have some underclassmen on varsity and there can be a lot of nervousness, so having someone in the back to communicate what you can be doing better will hopefully build confidence and make the team more successful

What do you do to decompress?

Soccer is my thing. I never find it stressful.

Why does head coach Mike Wiggins like having Altman on the squad?

Denis is incredibly confident as one of our returning varsity players who leads us in a central position in the back defensively. He shows up each day with an eagerness to be better and a desire to be great. He is a steady, consistent presence that continues to make our team better. Denis exemplifies the Red Devil spirit that the younger student athletes in our program can learn from.

- profile by Ken Knutson, photo by Jim Slonoff

Author Bio

Ken Knutson is associate editor of The Hinsdalean